Saturday, April 10, 2010
New Online Support Group For Highly Sensitive People
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issues indoor air quality policy for all CDC offices nationwide
"The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services, recently issued a policy on indoor air quality that will affect all CDC offices (owned, leased and rented) and more than 15,000 employees nationwide. Among a host of indoor air quality standards, the policy includes specific guidelines restricting the use of fragrance in cleaning and personal care products." What took them so long?
"Workers, those person who work in CDC facilities regardless of their employer, including employees, contract workers, guest workers, and others."
This is Huge!!!
Read more
Monday, March 1, 2010
Stink up the air with your poisoned detergent!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Get Your Car Washed Today!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Your fragrance is intoxicating!
The reason is that most fragrances contain thousands of chemicals and when there are enough people applying and wearing various fragranced products it's a veritable witch's brew! Most people only give a damn about how they smell, not how it affects others around them, people like myself care about both, and that's why I only wear essential oils that make me and everyone around them feel good!
Next time you put on that cologne, perfume or body spray think about that! Most people are one breath away from being a canary. If it's toxic and makes people sick then keep it to yourself!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Senseless Census
Friday, February 5, 2010
Bad Idea With Good Intentions
Some are called something like Smoking Oasis, if you live in the South you have seen them in front of stores and even libraries! If you haven't it's this contraption that smokers put their supposed extinguished cigarette in, the problem is that like with any ashtray unless you extinguish the cigarette before placing it in the ashtray, the cigarette continues to burn. So if you take a place that is frequented by smokers you can have like let's say 20-30 lit cigs deposited in the container, and the worst part is, the average one takes at least 3 minutes to burn itself out, especially since these containers allow oxygen in and as any grade school child can tell you oxygen is necessary for fire, remove the oxygen and the cig burns out. So the end result is non-smokers have to breath the smoke coming out of the container, I have seen smoke coming out of these things and I said to myself, that's from one cigarette? No way is that one cigarette, consider this, if a hundred lit butts are deposited in the container in an hour and the average butt takes 3 minutes to extinguish simple math tells you that 100x3=300 mins.= 5 hours and that means that it will take at least 5 hours for the perpetual smoke to clear, there is no way this is a benefit, I say keep it yourself, this is a bad invention, a bad idea and in the long run it ads to the second hand smoke we all are already breathing. Oasis, yeah for smokers for the rest of us with Asthma COPD or other lung related diseases, a virtual nightmare!
What are your thoughts? Please leave your comments.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Screaming Brats just another one of those things?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Vroom Vroom Vroom
While the video below is not current and did not occur in where I live, it's a strong example of what can happen at least with the the racing motorcycles.
Please note if you live in Sarasota County
The Sarasota County Sheriff's Office has established 365-TAGS (8247) as a driving infraction hotline. All unsafe driving practices such as speeding, reckless driving, careless driving and other moving violations should be reported to this hotline. However, drunk drivers or vehicle crashes should be reported to 9-1-1 directly. Callers will be asked to leave a detailed message of the infraction along with a vehicle description and a license plate number. A letter will be sent from the Sheriff's Office to the registered owner of the vehicle stating the date, time, location and the nature of the infraction.
Sarasota Dropped The Ball Who Will Pick It Up & Run With It?
Here is an example of what Sarasota may come to in the future if their is no crackdown!
Brazen Bass Head
The proliferation of these so-called sound systems are so bad, you will see google ads on the videos from time time, please understand, I have no control over the adverts in these videos, feel free to complain to google about their poor taste in sponsors ;)
Pay close attention to the video, as you will see it's the same guy in this news story.
Bass Heads Just Can't Keep It To Themselves!

Thumping Bumping Cars and Houses, you know the ones I'm talking about, the kind of bass that can knock the fillings in your teeth out of your mouth. Pile driving cars, driving around at all hours with stupid moronic, clueless youth, who either love the attention they get or do it to piss everyone off. If you’re like me and have had to put up with this crap for 7 years, then head on over to or and see what's being done around the world to combat this insanity. Just yesterday, I was at a gas station here in Sarasota County when some spoiled brat in what looked like a Scion, started cranking the bass so high that the ground was vibrating under my feet and he was clear across the other side of the street. This is not uncommon, in fact some of these systems are so powerful that they can be heard coming for blocks. Makes you wonder what the brains of these drivers look like, they all should be forced to have CAT scans of their brains, it will most likely show that they are slowly turning to mush! There is so much information out there about how this type of very low frequency can destroy healthy cells in the human body. Hearing is usually gone within a few years, lungs have been known to collapse, just search for “Loud Music Lung Collapse” and you will see what I mean. This type of very low frequency not only causes heart palpitations but can contribute to a little known heart disease called “Vibro Accoustic Syndrome” see the article “Feeling The Music Can Be Dangerous To Your Health”
What's the deal with this blog?
Instead, I decided to create a blog that would not only present my own pet peeves, but those of others as well, via posted comments. It would be a place where not only I can vent about my frustration with the insults of the modern world, but so could you. A place where we can share and get things off our chests that we can no longer keep to ourselves. The idea was born some time ago when I decided to write an article about the various things in our world that encroach upon a person’s right to enjoy life. While there are a myriad of things that can do this, there are few that are in our everyday life that we are forced to endure, and I say no more! It’s time to tell these encroachers to “keep it to yourself!” Some would say that these are “necessary evils”. I say, bullshit! They are no more necessary than getting raped or being robbed is and in some cases, many of those people who have been trespassed upon have felt that these trespasses are just that! So, without further delay, I will present my first pet peeve. It’s a toss up between inconsiderate smokers and inconsiderate drivers with pile driving car stereos and loud obnoxious mufflers. Since I have to pick one, for now, I chose the more dangerous of the two.
What is up with these people who smoke in public and think it’s ok to smoke next to someone who is coughing due to their smoking? Are they that arrogant and clueless to not notice that they are making another person uncomfortable. Sure, they say, if you don’t like it, then don’t breathe. Well, I say, keep it to yourself! You no more have the right to force me to breathe your polluted air than I have the right to fart in your face! Sometimes, we just can’t move away like when you are waiting for the bus or standing in line for tickets or any other situation that you are forced to stay put. Albeit, there are considerate smokers. If you just politely ask once, they will put it out. But then there are the assholes like the one who said to my wife and me years ago at a Xmas parade, “It’s a free country, I’ll do what I want!” This was after we politely asked him to put it out.
Well, I like to think that while it’s still a free country, we have the right to breathe unpolluted air and no one has the right to force us to do so. Just keep the damn thing to yourself and if you want to poison yourself that’s your business, but when you poison me and the ones I love, that’s my damn business. I have heard it said that “Your rights end where my fist begins” and I think that should be a rule of thumb. Everyone has a personal space and smoking in front of anyone who protests, including children, is heinous and is grounds for self-defense, especially if you have nowhere to go to defend yourself from the assault of the deadly chemicals. I am thrilled to have recently found an alternative to smoking poisonous cigarettes that hopefully someday will become the norm. Smokers can come back in from the rain and once again be accepted by society as normal people. If you would like to read an article on this recently discovered form of safe smoking, please click on article